Latest Award

The “PLEA Lifetime Achievement Award” has been given to Prof. Mats Santamouris from Australia for his extraordinary contribution to PLEA objectives in 2024!

PLEA Lifetime Achievement Awards

2024 Mats Santamouris
Matt was distinguished Professor of High-Performance Architecture at UNSW Sydney, Australia, and former professor at the University of Athens, Greece. He is editor and author of 15 international books on topics related to heat island, solar energy and energy conservation in buildings.
2020 Edna Shaviv
She was Dean of Architecture and held The Alfred and Marion Bar Chair in Architecture. Her most important work includes establishing the sustainable standard in Israel with the consideration of passive design elements.
2018 Yuichiro Kodama
His motto is “passive design for active life.” As a pioneer architect in the field as well as a professor in university, his design works constituted valuable contributions for the evolution and dissemination of passive design. Publications include Encyclopedia of Passive Building Design Techniques, Recommendations for Eco-Housing, Environment-Oriented Architecture, etc.
2016 Murray Milne
2015 Brian Ford
2013 André De Herde
2001 S. Yannas
1998 J. Douglas Balcomb