PLEA gives four types of awards.
The “PLEA Lifetime Achievement Award” is made infrequently to distinguished individuals who have made a consistent contribution to the PLEA objectives.
Annual or bi-annual awards are coordinated to coincide with the conferences and include: the “PLEA Award” conferred upon a regional figure or organization of international distinction; and the “PLEA Best Paper” and/or the “PLEA Best Poster” awards.
Latest Awards
Latest awards have been given at the 2024 conference in Wroclaw, Poland:
The “PLEA Lifetime Achievement Award” has been given to Prof. Matt Santamouris from Australia for his extraordinary contribution to PLEA objectives!
For more information please see the separate page on the “PLEA Lifetime Achievement Award”.
The “PLEA Best Paper Award” was given to three papers this year!
They went to:
Paper No 427 Affordable Housing In Times Of Pandemic: Investigations On Thermal Comfort And Ergonomic Conditions In São Paulo
Authors: Monica Santos Dolce Uzum1, Beatriz Gomes Sena1, Joana Carla Soares Gonçalves2
Organization(s): 1: UNIVERSIDADE PAULISTA – UNIP, Brazil; 2: Architectural Association School of Architecture
Paper No 790 Transforming Transportation Infrastructure Into Inclusive Spaces: Sustainable Urban Revitalization in Line with the New European Bauhaus Ambitions
Authors: Agata Woźniczka1, Barbara Widera1
Organization(s): 1: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
Paper No 427 Digital Toolmaking for Earth Building Components: The use of Low-cost Extruder and 3D Printing to Develop New Fabrication Approaches for Cob and Light Earth Bricks
Authors: Dr. Tavs Jorgensen1, Sonny Lightfoot1
Organization(s): 1: University of the West of England, UK
For full lists of Awards please refer to the separate pages!