Category Archives: Conference Paper

Daylighting quality through user preferences : Investigating libraries

This paper presents the findings of a research project investigating daylighting quality through its perceived effect on the everyday user of a space. The subjects participating in the experiments are asked to describe their perception of the daylit environment through … Continue reading

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CO2 emission concerning daily activities in residences

It is important that the countermeasures to reduce CO2 emission during the housing usage phase be examined. In this study, the factors under various daily activities concerning the CO2 emission were simulated, in order to examine a more effective countermeasure. … Continue reading

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A GIS framework for studying post-occupancy climate-related changes in residential neighbourhoods

A GIS-based methodology is discussed, which simplifies recording and analysis of post-occupancy changes in residential buildings. Each modification is considered as a unique record in a database, and has a string assigned to it in a multi-parametric matrix. Its position … Continue reading

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Building in the climate of the New World… A cultural or environmental response?

The reciprocity between appearance, available technology and environmental context forms the subject matter of Rappaport’s famous ‘House Form and Culture’. In this essay the evolution of a particular seventeenth century building type – the English ‘hall-and-parlour’ house – in response … Continue reading

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Environmentally sensitive design in practice

A new university campus in outback Australia is set to teach the world how to not only survive, but to sustain life in the future. Built to house the School of Environment and Information Sciences and the School of Business, … Continue reading

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Street canyon geometry and microclimate : Designing for urban comfort under arid conditions

While urban design guidelines have been developed for responding to climate in various regions, these recommendations are often based more on intuition or sporadic observation than on an integrated microclimatic analysis of thermal comfort conditions. Quantitative studies on desert environments … Continue reading

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The Oxford Photovoltaic House : Lessons for the future UK PV industry

The Oxford Photovoltaic House was built to help establish photovoltaics (PV) as a viable technology in the UK through the medium of a high profile demonstration project. To achieve this objective a 4kW peak PV array was built on a … Continue reading

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The Bioclimatic Domestic Space Components : Variations of their Architectural Translations on the Periphery of the Mediterranean Sea

Each one of these ten mediterranean house sketches is a specific composition from the four following spatial elements: a heavy-opaque unit, a light transparent unit, a water element, and a fire element. The heavy-opaque space unit, shelter for the cold … Continue reading

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