Call for PLEA Small Research Project to PLEA Associates

The project should align with the objectives of PLEA.

The deliverable(s) of the project should benefit the PLEA community – for example, a PLEA Note.

From time to time, the PLEA Board may issue calls for proposals on a specific topic.  Alternatively, PLEA Associate(s) may initiate and submit his/her/their proposal to the PLEA Board for consideration.

PLEA Associate(s) may submit his/her/their proposals jointly.

PLEA Associate(s) may submit his/her/their proposal anytime.

The proposal, not exceeding 3 pages, should contain the title, objectives, background, methodology, schedule, budget and the expected deliverables of the project.  It should be submitted to the PLEA secretariat at <>.

The maximum amount to be awarded is UKP1000.

At any one time, a PLEA associate can hold only 1 project.

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