Public “Living Room” Outdoor Comfort in Hot and Humid Climate

The proposed open space “living-room” is conceived as an extension of a private living space. As one of Asia’s most dense and developed cities, Hong Kong’s high-rise urban dwellings place constraints on activity within the home thus bringing a new relevance to the quality of open spaces in the city.

The aim of this project is to explore the possibility of environmental diversity within these public open spaces. A wider range of outdoor comfort can be achieved by providing a greater range of outdoor spaces offering different environments. In each, the sensation of experience, ranging from privacy to light, temperature, wind and sound will be considered. Microclimate will be created by zoning the space in relation to views, airflow and exposure to sunlight. The resulting thermal transitions will allow for a progressive adaptive approach of those circulating within the space. The design proposal will encourage use of outdoor space in a dense urban fabric in this hot and humid climate.

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